For the past 5 weeks, Lukas, the dogs and I have been staying in NY with our immediate family while Justin deals with all of the details of our imminent move to Washington, D.C. Over this time, Luke has learned to do so many things. Grandpa Taylor has taught Luke to wave "Bye-bye" and Luke is now saying "stop" in addition to his previous "uh-oh," "da-da," "ma-ma," "wow," & "dog." He tries super hard to immitate and is getting great at copying actions (like clapping) and sounds (we do "wheee-ewww" together).
Lukas stands unsupported now and this morning he stood up from squatting while holding a toy. Each morning he wakes either whining or saying "mom, mom, mom" over and over again. It's neat seeing how he will say this word to me whenever he needs to eat, sleep, or just cuddle. Luke has also started wrapping his arms around me to cling when he's unsure or doesn't want me to leave him for a nap. My amazing boy has just turned 1 and all of these changes are making me realize just how fast this time goes.
The movers came last week and packed up all of our things. Since the house is empty, Justin is staying with our friend Kevin until it's time for him to leave Germany. We've both been calling Kevin his "wifey," since Kevin will cook in my stead. Thanks Kevin! Justin's been having a great time pretending to be a bachelor. :)
Justin enjoying all-you-can-eat Sushi in Trier with Kevin yesterday
Luke has so much fun hand-feeding the dogs! Notice the tomatoes on the ground.