The last couple weeks have been a little bit frustrating as Devin grows and so do his toes. He's had red marks on the outside of his toes for a bit and I went to see the orthotist a couple weeks ago. He agreed that it was time for a new day brace and that possibly Devin's shoes were a bit too small. This was definitely confirmed when I took him into a local Stride Rite.
The helpful lady there measured Devin's feet and his results were left foot 8 Wide, right foot 7 normal. As much as it's weird to have different sized feet, it actually works out now that he uses a day brace. Once we put the brace on (which he only uses for about 3 hours a day), Devin needs a larger and wider shoe on the right foot. None of the pairs we tried on at Stride Rite worked out well. It was a struggle to squeeze his foot in and Devin would tell me that it hurts. We figured out that he needs at least an 8 XW and I was wary of ordering online and having to go through the return process. I scoured the internet for info on shoes that fit well over braces and parents said you either buy a shoe specially designed for AFO's that were ugly and cost upwards of $50, or you buy an extra wide shoe. The two manufacturers known for making XW shoes are Stride Rite and New Balance.
Since Stride Rite was a bust I decided to take myself on over to the New Balance store (I love living in DC for the availability of stores!!!) and try our luck. The FIRST PAIR fit over his brace like a dream. Devin told me that they "Didn't Hurt!!" and so I was sold. Even better came the price tag. Originally $34.99, these were last season's shoes that needed to get out of the store and were only $20. YAY! I bought the 8's and a size up for the future. I am considering going back and seeing if I can get 10's, 11's, 12's.... yea I find a brand I like and stick to it. Especially at that price and since I can find those shoes NOWHERE online. I was completely expecting to spend $40-$50 on good, wide shoes for D. It has hit me that next year when we move back to NY the outlets will be gone and I won't have as many opportunities to save like that. Sad face.
Here's a quick couple paragraphs of what we've been up to: Visited Heather Wetmore and Fam. Earth Day Celebration at the library that included flower planting, stories, handprints on a little white picket fence, a trash collection hunt thingy, and FOOD! I love living on base, love the free and cool events they put on for us. Made popsicles with our molds for the first time. Made paleo carrot cake for the first time :( Fail.
Took Luke to the dentist and had my teeth cleaned for the first time in like 4 years. I know that sounds really gross, but I have never ever had a cavity and I brush and I just have never thought to make an appointment for myself. Well, she convinced me to floss and I will probably be returning for my first ever fillings on my wisdom teeth.
OK that's all for now folks ;)
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Check check Berita corona di Indonesia
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